Wednesday 14 March 2007

How easily we forget

The battery in my car key that allows me to unlock
the car with the press of a button has died. It's been going flat for a
while now, with it taking a few presses to unlock, but the other
morning it actually died. There I was, running late for work (of
course!), pressing like mad and nothing was happening. I ran inside to
get my spare key. It was only later in the day that I realised I could
do the old fashioned thing and put the key in the lock and turn it! Is
all this technology locking down parts of our brains? Will there be
basic things that we will soon be unable to do? Are we becoming slaves
to technology?


Anonymous said...

Try turning your phone off for a week... it gets so quiet, I can hear myself thinking..

Campbell said...

So technology leads to obesity and stress. I'm certainly experiencing the latter at the moment trying to get my printer to work as I need stuff for Uni tomorrow!!