Saturday 22 March 2008


Every now and then I need to check my language. Yes I’m talking about swearing here. I rarely swear in public, but I do tend to swear a lot to myself. There are times however when people are within earshot. What I like about swearing is how it can make you feel so much better. That’s why I feel it should not be overused. If significant words are used constantly, then they lose their power when you really need them.
That’s what I have taught son, that swearing has its place, but not to overdo it. This is in contrast to how I was brought up, where I remember being blasted for saying ‘blast’! The result of this is that son rarely swears (well OK, not in my hearing – but at least he has good self control!).
Yesterday I said a word in response to dropping something. The word was out of proportion to the act. I need to keep that in check.


Litzi said...

Hi Campbell,
This post is @#&**? hilarious! I agree with you that the overuse of cuss words tends to make them lose their veracity. The occasional “bad” word here and there makes peoples ears perk up and realize that you’re upset or angry. The problem is when the words are circulating through your mind, how to turn off the mouth and not let them come out at an inappropriate time. This is a constant battle for me…

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

I taught my son, when he discovered the effects of words he could only swear down the back paddock (we lived in the city) and the nearest paddock was at his grans...and never in the company nor earshot of women (call me old fashioned :)

Now if he swears near me I know he's distressed and we target the stressor not the language...

but truely I think hit your thumb with a hammer and only a well chosen string of swear words is going to help

T said...

yes I swear too much .. especially in the car at other drivers.

With respect the kids I have taught them to say firetruck, shoot, geewhiz in an effort to have them 'swear' in a not so offensive manner !!!

Monty said...

I too was brought up never swearing! I've only started in the last couple of years, but still only in the extreme circumstances. I agree that its frequent use dilutes its effect.