Thursday 9 October 2008


I was reading an article in the magazine of last weekend's paper which was an interview with a local actor. It naturally quoted him many times and I lost count of the number of times I read 'f**k'. It got me thinking what power language has. Now everyone who reads that knows that it stands for 'fuck', but for some reason, we feel that putting it in black and white is just too much for society to read. I tend to think if only two letters of a four letter word are going to be left out, why bother? Are most people's sensitivities pampered to by only reading 'f**k', instead of 'fuck'?
I grew up with a blanket ban on swearing in the house. I remember Dad having a go at me for saying 'blast' once. This was from a man whose strongest expletive is 'blow'! Personally I thought there was only a small degree of difference between the two words, but I had obviously crossed the line.
While I'm not in favour of hearing the word 'fuck' in general society, I guess I'm saying that when it comes to the written word, there is no degree of difference between 'f**k' and 'fuck', so let's call an expletive an expletive!


T said...

Agreed but I do try to swear less in front of the kiddies !!

Anonymous said...

This so made me laugh Campbell..I wrote a post about a woman driving me nuts at work... the essense being I wanted to say 'Shut the fuck up' ...but after 10minutes of thinking I wrote 'Shut the F*ck Up' ... but I had one particularly older female in mind when I changed it and even wrote small apology for swearing at the bottom...

You are so right, I will stick to writing what I mean & the reader can censor it....