4 things about this week:
** Maybe there is something to faith! Apropos of the previous post, this week actually does have a Spring feeling to it with some sun, some warmth and the aroma of Spring in the air.
** While working at the nursing home last night I had to park on the road. Somebody swiped my side mirror and broke it. They did clean it up so there was no glass on the road, but my mirror is still broken and I fear will cost a fair bit to replace. It's also VERY inconvenient, even unsafe, driving without a side mirror on the driver's side.
** I'm doing a project at work at the moment. It's my whole working life, but is a small blimp on the occupational radar of others that I work with and need information from. I feel I am constantly asking and nagging for information and for things to be done so I can progress with the project. This doesn't come naturally to me. I am way outside my comfort zone.
** Son is having an interview at a local supermarket for some work tomorrow. He's growing up!!
6 years ago
Wish the lad luck with the interview!
Hi Campbell,
Do you get many spring showers in Melbourne or have you had the majority of the rain you’re going to get for the season?
That’s a shame about your side mirror; it would’ve been nice if the person who knocked it off had left a note and offered to pay for it…
It’s exceedingly frustrating to have a project deadline that requires information/data/input from others who don’t/won’t supply the necessary goods in a timely manner. You feel like a grouch to keep harassing them but sometimes it’s the only way to accomplish your goal. Good Luck!
Did Son get the job at the supermarket? What’s he hoping to do: stock shelves, bag groceries, check-out, all of the above?
Happy First Day of spring on September 1st!!!
It's feeling Springlike here in Sydney too! After the coldest August in 50 yrs or something, it was a glorious 20 degrees over the weekend and today is just the same...lovely and sunny! :-)
Mirror - same thing happened to McBrad and it was very expensive (relative to its size) to replace! Good luck!
The feeling of Spring is continuing.
Spring rains are common here Miss L., although not so much in latter years - all a part of the global warming effect I guess.
Son's interview was a non-event, in terms of content, so now just a matter of waiting.
Hi Campbell,
Are you getting many spring rains? From what I've read, Australia is really going to get the brunt of global warming...
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