Friday 14 September 2007

Is it that time already?

Well it's the end of my first week of placement and so far it's gone quite well. It has involved shift work which has involved getting used to starting the day at different times and being disciplined about getting to bed early if I'm on an early the following day. An early requires a 5am. start. I normally start the day waking to the radio. I find it a more gentle way to begin the day than with a piercing alarm. I do occasionally sleep for a while once the radio comes on, so to be sure I do wake up in time, I've been using my mobile as an extra alarm, coming on at 5:10am. The other morning the phone alarm went off without the radio having come on. Whilst surprised I hadn't turned the radio alarm on the previous night, I got up feeling like I could do with some extra shut eye. I had left the kitchen in a bit of a state the previous night, so thought I would do some dishes before hopping in the shower. So with hands in the water I work out how long I can afford to do these dishes and still have time for shower and brekkie and be out the door in time to catch the necessary tram. I'm looking at the microwave clock thinking I can afford to do the dishes until 5.30 and it's now 5.23. Plenty of time. For a while I'm just staring at the microwave with that thought that intuitively I know something is wrong, but my brain isn't quite functioning well enough yet to work out exactly what it is. I then realise the microwave clock doesn't say 5.23, but says 11.23. Hhmmmm, why is it stopped at 11 minutes and 23 seconds? I must have stopped it cooking mid stream and not cancelled it. I, that's not it. Hhmmmm..... that must mean that the clock is actually saying it's 11.23. I walk into the living room..... the clock says 11.25.....I walk into the bedroom....the clock says 11.24 (note to self: synchronize all the clocks in the place). It's beginning to dawn on me that it's not the morning! It then dawns on me that it wasn't the alarm going off on my mobile, it was either a call (which I obviously rejected!) or a text. It was a text. (Another note to self: see if I can use my mobile as an alarm but have the ring call on silent).
Oh well, at least I got the dishes done and got to have more sleep.


nash said...

Oh Campbell, this made me laugh! Glad you got some extra sleep (we can all use that)...

btw, may I ask what's at the end of your fist?

Litzi said...

Hi Campbell,
Glad to hear your first well of placement is going well for you. I’ve often wondered how people who do “shift” work adjust to their different schedules; sleeping and eating at disparate times of the day. Apparently the changes aren’t particularly easy to adapt to. I’ve done the same thing you did upon occasion when I’ve anxious (obsessed?) about something I HAD to do the following day and was paranoid about not hearing the alarm; woken up and thought it was morning, when indeed it was the dead of night. Grrrr…

You didn’t mention whether you managed to awaken on time the morning after your midnight dish washing regime….

Campbell said...

Sorry Nash, but I must ask you to 'Please Explain!'......the end of my fist?

Yes Miss L., I did awaken on time, feeling like I had had a better sleep, although still wishing for some more!

Litzi said...

Hi Campbell,
LOL! I think Nash made a typo that turned out to be rather funny....

Hmm. Usually if I’m awoken during the night I feel like something the cat dragged in the following morning. Sleep depravation can do all sorts of strange things to the mind…

altraeis said...

Well at least you got the dishes done. Glad to hear all is well. I have missed reading everyone's blogs.

Unknown said...

I did the exact same thing a few weeks ago. I thought I had woken up before my alarm and decided to get up. After stumbling around the house in the dark for about two minutes I soon realised what the time was. I had only been asleep for an hour!

oh "end of my fist" check the first line of your post ;-)

Campbell said...

Thanks DUP.
Apologies for the typo - it is now fixed. Re-reading this post I think I was suffering from sleep depravation as it certainly was not well constructed as well as having at least two typos I found and have now fixed!

nash said...

Oh I thought you'd been drinking in the Tea Room again!