As I have eluded to before I am currently enjoying the company of a special gentleman. Over recent weeks and months we have been doing the meeting of the families, which has all gone well, despite some anxiety on my part. The most anxiety producing meeting for me was that of my ex wife, which occurred last night.
As I was thinking about this anxiety during the week I realised it was different to normal. It was more in the head than in the gut, more of an intellectual anxiety. I used to compartmentalise my life a lot more than I do now and so used to get anxious at various compartments mixing. What was happening for me in these events was that I had two compartments mixing and so my natural response of habit was to get anxious. To a large degree however, that’s all it was, anxiety of habit, not the real gut churning anxiety. So it wasn’t real anxiety that had an effect on me.
That was a little light bulb experience, to realise how I’ve changed over the years.
Part of my lack of anxiety was also an indication of how comfortable and ‘right’ it feels to have this man in my life.
Oh and last night went off very well.
Hello Campbell. I really can understand the anxiety as you move on in your new lifestyle. What I found most interesting is that you were more anxious in your meeting with your ex-wife than with the parents of your new special gentleman. I’m glad that the meeting of the families went well, and that hopefully it will enhance your relationship with your new friend, knowing that the support network seems to be in place for both of you.
Hi Campbell,
Congratulations on your new relationship! You’ve mentioned in previous posts that you’re parents are “elderly”; you’re fortunate that they’re accepting and open, given the era they were raised in. Obviously they love you and want you to be happy with your life, which is wonderful. Do you think your ex-wife was anxiety ridden about meeting your special gentleman? Was he nervous about meeting her? I’m glad it turned out well for all of you…
Hi Campbell,
Oops! I neglected to ask you how your bruised and/or fractured rib is doing. Is it still bothering you at times? Have you resumed your hectic work schedule yet?
Well done you...particularly keeping this "under the radar"...hmmm, maybe I should take a leaf out of your book! LOL Too late for that anyway! ha ha! Anyway, congratulations - glad you've found someone and it's all working out well for you both!!! Ahem, would we know this "special gentleman" or is he someone unknown to your readers??? ;-)
Welcome Dough Dog - yes the ex-wife meeting was more significant for me than the parents.
Miss L. - yes I think there was some anxiety all round. I've just come back from my first shift back after a week off. The rib is much better thanks. I am still aware of it, but nothing that I would call pain.
Monty - I'm sure some of my readers are well read!
Hi Campbell,
Oh ho! Your “special gentleman” is someone your readers might know? The plot thickens…
Maybe you could start sneaking out clues every so often for your “inquiring minds need to know” fellow bloggers??
I’m glad your rib is doing better. Was it difficult for you to get back into the swing of things after a week off?
Campbell, is it who I am thinking of??? Someone we may have discussed via email some time ago??????????? :-))))
Gosh Campbell its all happening since I last visited.. if it helps whenever Im anxious, or nervy I ask myself 'Am I just excited' 9 times out of 10 I am, and I think 'Yeah, and it feels good' and it helps me through
Delighted to hear the meeting wnet well and the rib is improving = All Good.
Thanks all for your comments.
Monty, you have an elephantine memory.
he he he! So it IS who I am thinking of! Wahooo! Congrats!!!!! :-)
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