Wednesday 28 May 2008

Letting Go

As I've mentioned before, and my paucity of entries indicate, I'm feeling ambivalent about my blog at the moment. I had almost decided that I would stop blogging, then last night I went through the entries and comments on my blog since I began it. I was quite moved by some of the content of both the entries and comments. I had forgotten much of what I had blogged about. It got me back in touch with the sense of community I felt in the blogosphere. It also reminded me of the expressive outlet it was for me, as well as assisting me in clarifying some thoughts and feelings that I had.
I'm not exactly sure what has changed for me in recent months....well I do actually, but I don't want to go into that now....maybe down the track....or maybe not.
Re-reading the blog however, has made me realise that I'm not quite ready to give it up now. I don't know what the future will hold for it, but right at this moment, I can't do it.
Sorry for this obscure entry - I just wanted to say that I'm still here but don't know for how long.


Litzi said...

Hi Campbell,
I don’t know what’s happened to the blogoshpere lately but I’ve noticed that a lot of people have either completely quit posting or have cut back dramatically. When I began blogging, I thoroughly enjoyed collecting my thoughts and opinions and crafting them into words; it was a highly productive exercise for me. Perusing the comments provided a sense of validation which was heady and offered insight as to whether I was on target or way off-base. As people dropped off the radar, I became more and more discouraged. I probably quit blogging more times than Barbara Streisand gave up her career. And like Babs, I found myself returning for another go-round.

I’ve been semidetached from Bloggersville for a couple of months. I miss it but have discovered that I’ve acquired a lot more time to accomplish things that were being put on “the back burner” because I was obsessed with another post.

In the final analysis, the decision is yours alone to make. I’ve always enjoyed your posts and will continue to read them and comment if you decide to keep going…

Litzi said...

Hi Campbell,
I was contemplating your latest post while I was busy attending to some chores this morning. Something that I neglected to mention in my previous comment was how disturbed I would become if the comments I received were insubstantial or not dealing with the issue being discussed. I realized it was not right to judge others, yet I found myself doing it constantly. This became one of the principle motivating factors for me to quit posting.

Why don’t you take a “tour” of the blogosphere and see what other people are up to. You’ll no doubt notice that many posts have few or no comments, but the author continues with his/her dialog. Maybe things will pick up with summer (your winter) approaching!

caoin said...

I think there are a couple of things going on here: a natural blogging cycle and the nature of Blogger/Blogspot.

For many people there seems to be a surge of enthusiasm for blogging which then wanes over a period of months or years. Sometimes they stop entirely, sometimes they just take a break, sometimes they reduce the frequency.

To me there also seems to be a difference between sites like Blogger, with minimal levels of control over who reads your blog, and LiveJournal, with elaborate controls. Blogger feels more transitory to me. Even though LJ can be just the same, the (sometimes tedious and adolescent) ritual of adding/removing friends and deciding who gets to read what gives a stronger sense of connection and community. That and the community blogs.

And sometimes that makes people stick at it more.

Monty said...

Campbell, I too at times have felt like there was nothing to say and considered what my blog was accomplishing. Particularly now, with all my entries being more of the same "mush" - the "how much in love I am" type entries - I think, Is there a point in continuing? AND I have noticed the number of bloggers who've given up, or who've cut back substantially too. But, I must say, that blogging has been a great therapy for me, as well as providing me with insight into what other gay guys have gone through/are going through in their respective journeys. Although my journey is all lovey dovey at the moment, I know that this isn't go to last forever, that I will encounter problems/issues etc, and at that time, the ability to express myself via the blog will be something very valuable to me. I really enjoyed reading your blog, having some similarities to me and going through some similar issues has been very encouraging. Whether you decide to stop or continue, know that you have made a difference to this blogger! Big Hug!!!

Muzbot said...

We'll all be here to say "hi" whenever you get around to posting.

Single Guy said...

sometimes it's ok to say goodbye and start a new chapter!

T said...

Well may be take some time out but do not kill the blog totally.

At times the acquaintance/ friendships I have made thru the Blogs have been the only things keeping this guy sane.

So Thanks Campbell, Monty, Murray, & Jorge [amongst the top 10] - I have laughed and I have cried with you all.

nash said...

At least you post stuff more often than me!

Campbell said...

Thanks all for your supportive comments. I'll hang around for a bit longer.
Thanks Miss L. for your other suggestion. You will see I've followed through.