Friday, 19 March 2010

The Day My Bum Went Psycho

My bum hurts!

After three consecutive days of riding my bike, I'm feeling it most in my bum. I don't carry very much excess fat (although my midsection is beginning to give away my middle age status!), but I have always lamented the size of my rear end. I think that aesthetically it would be better if it was bigger, but it would also be more comfortable if it had more padding. I often find sitting on plastic chairs for long periods uncomfortable and I am now finding regular bike riding is also uncomfortable. I thought it might improve with more frequent riding, but no. I don't have any fat or muscle between my bones and the bike seat. I have invested in a good bike seat, so I can't improve that. I think I may have to invest in some proper bike shorts.

I must say that I am quite getting into bike riding, sore bum notwithstanding.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

City Cycling

As part of my fitness campaign I've decided that when I go to Uni by public transport, I will ride to Flinders St station and take the bike on the train, then ride from Frankston station to Uni. For those non-Melbournians, Flinders St station is the main station in Melbourne through which all suburban trains run. I live in West Brunswick just north of the city which is 5.5km from Flinders St. So we're not talking any long distance here. The main issue for this only-just-getting-into-cycling cyclist is the city traffic. I'm riding in peak hour, so the traffic is not moving quickly, but there is a lot of it. For those who know Melbourne I ride down Royal Parade, through the roundabout at the top of Elizabeth Street and then down Elizabeth Street to Flinders Street. I keep envisioning a car door opening on me and I keep having to change lanes in Elizabeth Street due to the right turn from left lanes we have in Melbourne because of the trams. So whilst it's not physically hard riding, I have to keep my wits about me.
Coming home I ride up Swanston Street to meet Royal Parade at the cemetery. I do this because whilst it's OK riding north to south through the Elizabeth Street roundabout (I just stick to the left), I won't ride south to north through it. It sometimes feels like a suicide mission in a car, let alone a bike! Coming home is more difficult as there is a slight gradient most of the way home, and it's the end of the day! Whilst it's not far, hopefully a couple of times a week will see me finding it easier sooner.
I can't believe how many cyclists there are in the city. They are all dressed in different ways, everything from the full lycra to full business suits, some women riding in skirts and high heels! It was a good feeling to be a part of this phenomenon.
I think I'm going to a spin class tomorrow morning, That may well create a whole different feeling!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A Rude Picture of Health

I went to my local doctor for my results last week and they are surprisingly good. My cholesterol and glucose readings are very good. My stress test showed a remarkably in shape heart. I'm functioning at 135% according to the Bruce Protocol, which basically means my cardiovascular system is younger than the rest of me!! Maybe I don't need to worry about this whole exercise thing after all.......only kidding!!!

So I now need to get into some routine. The academic year started here this week (yay!! my last year!!) so by the end of this week I will know my weekly routine and so will attempt to place exercise into it. Despite saying I want to do this without joining a gym, I might succumb to 'spin classes'. A friend wants to do them and is looking for someone to join her, so I shouldn't pass up the opportunity to exercise with someone else, as this is the way I'm more likely to stick with it. It won't be joining a gym as such, just using some of their facilities.

I'm back at yoga as well, with last night being my second consecutive week, so I'm trying to vary my exercise - not that yoga has that much of an affect on the cardiovascular system.

So maybe I'm using this planning and preparation as an excuse for not really getting into it in a major way, but I reckon I'm more likely to stick at it this way.

Time will tell!